Irama Kontemporari Menggugah Misi

Menyuap sesudu pengalaman, Menakwil hala impian, Memacu liku-liku perjalanan, Memahat rentetan suka duka coretan, Melahirkan bingkisan seribu harapan buat semua yang berkesempatan.... Irama Kontemporari Menggugah Misi

01 September 2010

Salam Ramadhan Buat Semua

Would like to wish everyone Ramadhan Mubarak on behalf of SFFC Forum.
May you all have a blessed and productive Ramadhan Insyallah!

Once again as always a polite reminder to make good use of Ramadhan since it only comes around once a year - so please make full use of it - Not that I'm saying that all leave the forum but ensure you use the time offline to reap its rewards and benefits.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish Ramadhan Mubarak to all of you. Take this opportunity to improve our life not only in terms of Ibadah but also in all other aspects. Increase productivity, spending more time with family/friends during dinner/iftar and performing solat, qiamullail, giving sadaqah, and all other positive activities you can think of.

Remember, one of the big reason Ummah of Muhammad (saw) is blessed with Ramadhan is because our life is shorter than the previous ummah. Do as much as you can because you might not be able to live during the next Ramadhan.

May the light that we celeberate at ramadan show as the way and leed us together on the path of peace and social harmony May allah bless & protect you..

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